The Woman At The Cafe, As I see | Teen Ink

The Woman At The Cafe, As I see

November 17, 2011
By KeithAGomes BRONZE, New Delhi, Other
KeithAGomes BRONZE, New Delhi, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
What shall be, will be - Charles Dickens. Hard Times

Like a lion stalks a gazelle from the midst of long grass at a sly, so do I look at the beauty among the beasts of the night. Being observant has been one of my special traits and this was the best place to put it to good self-fulfilling use.

I look at her. She sits in a dark corner. Lit by an antique lamp. In that dark corner her stunning face sparkles. And I could make out every specific feature and detail that made her face so unconventionally attractive. Her aura had some sort of magnetism to it, cause I usually don't give a damn about a face in a crowd but this face had left me awestruck. I guess she's a model or a designer, but that's pretty narrow minded of me, in a sea of professional options she could be anyone.

I saw her eyes. Like emeralds and gems which pirates would kill for. They shone. I found myself delving.
A sudden realization dawned, is this what they call love at first sight.
For a person like me, who's kept away from commitment I guess this is just, a rather unusually intense form of infatuation I'm experiencing.

Oh My Gosh! She's got me monologuing.

To be continued.

The author's comments:
Have you ever tried to ride over a woman's elegance with your eyes. Her wonderland.

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