Why me? | Teen Ink

Why me?

November 17, 2011
By VicFernandez BRONZE, Escazu, Other
VicFernandez BRONZE, Escazu, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
That’s the best revenge of all: happiness.

So there I was, entering the New York High School. It was my second week at this new school and I was already getting bullied, although I had a very protective boyfriend who always defended me. As I walked in, I found my group of friends gossiping so I approached them. They were talking about what Blair, the mean girl, had done to my friend Vanessa. I didn’t know what exactly she had done so I asked and they told me Blair had hacked Vanessa’s Facebook and sent mean messages to her best friends including her boyfriend saying she wanted to brake up with him. Apart from this, the day before, Blair pushed me into the trash can just because she felt like it and I went right into it. She was so mean. In one of those days I felt good and pretty she always had to ruin it. I got so mad I went to Blair and confronted her, it was enough. I walked across the hallway, everyone looking at me and said, “ Why are you doing this immature things to my friends and me?Don’t you have a f***ing life?”
“First of all, it’s non of your business and second you’re next b****.” She told me.
“Well bring it on Blair.” I really didn’t want to do this and now she will make my life impossible, but someone had to tell her something. At lunch I was walking with my food, caesar salad and chicken. I saw Blair at her table with all her followers, they all looked at me as I walked to a table. I could feel all the looks of them on me, it was very uncomfortable. It seemed like she whispered something to her best friend laughing. The next second, her best friend, Aria, came up to me and tripped me. I fell, in front of everyone. My food flew up into the air and right into my face full with chicken sauce. I was so embarrassed I wished I was dead. If I hadn’t stood up to Vanessa this wouldn’t happen, I’m so stupid,I told to my self. Everyone was laughing but right away my boyfriend, brother and friends took me to the bathroom, all I did was cry., this was horrible. Why did this have to happen to me? I was a good girl, healthy and alway trying to make people feel good about themselves.

It was finally 4:00 pm and I was more than ready to go home, this day was so bad I wanted to disappear. My boyfriend took me for something to eat and then home. I talked to my mom about all this and all she told me was to ignore her and stop standing up for my friends but this was impossible, now I can’t go back, I can’t take back what I told her. To make things worse, my dad is coming home today and he will probably be drunk.

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