Dreamlike Sanctuary | Teen Ink

Dreamlike Sanctuary

November 10, 2011
By meghanlovesyou BRONZE, Lansdale, Pennsylvania
meghanlovesyou BRONZE, Lansdale, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The golden yellow sunshine filtered its way through the thick canopy of oak and birch trees. All around me, a sea of colorful flowers dance with the cool breeze of the wind. The ruby red roses, mustard yellow daisies and cobalt blue tulips stand out boldly among the dull grass and dirt of the forest floor. The brightly colored flowers seem to be pointing farther into the thick woodland.
I follow the rainbow of colors deeper into the unknown, and after about thirty feet, the flowers abruptly stop and the ground below me becomes dirt and stone. As I follow this new terrain, I begin to hear a low rumbling in the near distance. The golden yellow sunshine continues to lead me forward, until the low rumbling becomes a loud crashing sound.
Pushing my way through the last line of oaks, I stumble upon the source of the noise. I watch in awe as the shimmering turquoise water splashes over the edge of a gigantic waterfall, spilling down into a pool of water. It gleams sapphire in the early morning sunshine. My breath catches as I take in the natural beauty of this place.
To the left of the sapphire pool, an immense open field sprawls out so far, it touches the horizon. It’s dotted with scarlet splotches of poppies as far as the eye can see. I turn my attention back the glistening waterfall, immediately feeling my troubles wash away like the tumbling aqua water. I feel safe here. As I sit along the edge of the sapphire pool, cool droplets from the waterfall land on my skin, and I feel refreshed. The magnificence of this place never ceases to amaze me.

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