First Day of School | Teen Ink

First Day of School

November 20, 2011
By miki.derksen BRONZE, N/a, Other
miki.derksen BRONZE, N/a, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You don&#039;t have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great.<br /> Les Brown

The sound of my alarm had burst through the silent, crisp air of this cool September morning. 5:30 am is not easy, especially cause I had been sleeping till about noon for 2 months before this dreadful day. Today I started 10th grade in a new city and a new school. I had stepped out of bed with a knot in my stomach because I knew, or at least thought, I was not going to fit in. I decided I had to get over this fear. I was going to work to the best of my ability to fit in, but to tell you the truth; I didn’t really care what people thought or think of me. I proceeded with my normal morning routine; brush my teeth, brush my hair, put on some jean shorts, a pink-striped tank, nice warm hoodie and a pair of Uggs. I wasn’t sure what my day would hold but I knew I would make the best of it.

I finished my breakfast and rushed out the door knowing that I still had a 15-minute walk ahead of me before arriving at school. I had begun on my journey lost in thought of all the outcomes of this day. I soon realized that thinking this was going to get me nowhere. As I rounded the corner my new school came into my site. I had seen everybody laughing and running around greeting all their friends they hadn’t seen in about 2 months. I realized right then that it was not going to one of those schools that kids come and go all the time and new people were always welcome, no, I was going to a school where I would be an alien. I thought that even if I did make friends I would still be intruding on a relationship since like 1st grade.

I had finally reached the gate of the school. I walked towards the school entry where I was to see which homeroom I was in. When I had arrived I was greeted by a tall amazing looking boy wearing jeans and a red hoodie with the letters UBC printed in bold white lettering on the front of it. He had beautiful blue eyes and long brown hair but what had caught my fancy the most was his beautiful white smile that seemed to lure me towards him.
“Well hello there, welcome to Adams High, my name is Olsen and you must be Alex if I’m correct,” he had announced in a deep friendly voice
“Ya, how did you know?” I had said almost sheepishly back to him,
“You’re the only new kid here this year.”

Well that had made me feel better, not. I had known that I would be one of few new people but I didn’t now I’d be the only one. Olsen continued by telling where my homeroom was and he then told me that he was in my same homeroom as me. He then began to show me around the school. He introduced me to a couple of people.

When the bell rung, all the students had made their way towards their homerooms. I was mixed in a muddle of students when I had realized I didn’t know where I was. I was about to ask someone when I heard a familiar voice behind me and I felt a gentle hand being laid on my arm. Olsen had come to my rescue. He guided me to homeroom then sat down beside me as our teacher, whose name I still can’t remember, handed out our schedules.

My day continued pretty slowly. I got to know my teachers. I learned the names of some of my classmates and I couldn’t stop looking at Olsen. He was beautiful. He was everything a girl could dream of. But I set my thoughts off of him for the remainder of the day because I knew I was the new kid, I was the loner, I wouldn’t get the cutest guy in the school.

I was wrong. At the end of school he had come running up to me.
“Hey!” he had said, “I think I live near you, do you wanna walk home with me?”

This was crazy. I had only been at the school for 1 day and a guy was already starting to notice me.
“So, where are you from and what brings you here to Vancouver?” Olsen had begun our conversation.
“Well, I am from Columbia, South Carolina and I came here to be closer to by dad’s job but he still is never around.” I had responded almost shyly.
“Oh, I’ve been there, I love all the colorful houses in Charleston, it’s really pretty.”
“So, tell me something about you.”
“Well, I am 16 years old, I don’t have a girlfriend and I love to play soccer.”
“REALLY, me too, that’s my favorite sport, and I dream of being on the national team!” I had exclaimed a little to enthusiastically.
We continued our walk by talking about our families and our past. As we walked I had thought about my day too.
I hadn’t thought anybody would notice me at all but I was wrong because just over the course of Olsen and my walk home about 5 guys had come up to me and said something along the lines of; hey, you’re Alex right? Welcome, I hope I can talk to you soon.

The author's comments:
for Ms.G

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