Now You See Me, Now You Don’t | Teen Ink

Now You See Me, Now You Don’t

January 23, 2012
By ThisIsMe_2011 BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
ThisIsMe_2011 BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once I turned invisible, I figured I couldn’t get any more surprised.
I was wrong.
My day started off normal enough. I got up, got dressed and made my bed. I was still half asleep by the time I managed to drag myself to the restroom to brush my teeth. I turned on the harsh yellow light of my bathroom and squinted. When I opened my eyes again, I couldn’t believe what I saw. Or rather, didn’t see. Where my head should have been, there was only air. My arms and legs had vanished and even my clothes were invisible. My mind was racing. What was happening? I ran downstairs to find my parents but instead I found my half-blind grandmother eating some kind of puree at the breakfast table. I desperately called out for my parents only to remember that they had already left for work. I started to panic. What was I going to do? I had a serious dilemma on my hands! I sat on the couch and tried to think. School started in about 30 minutes. But I couldn’t go to school while no one could see me… or could I?
My breathing got faster and my heart beat louder as I walked up the steps of my school, Johnson Middle. I had decided to come to school and see what it was like to walk the halls unseen. I knew I couldn’t utter a single syllable, though, over my cover would be blown. The bell rang as I took a seat in the school auditorium. The 8th grade literature teacher took the stage and began preaching about the fascinating stories of Camelot. I decided that there were better ways to spend my time. Just as I was getting ready to leave, a late student rushed over to where I was sitting. With horror I realized that he was coming to sit in my seat. I scrambled to get up and almost made it too, but I bumped his knee with mine as I was leaving. A look of confusion passed over his face. He glanced around to see who had hit him but the nearest kid was asleep, 10 seats away. I inched away with tentativeness until I made it all the way to the aisle. Then I dashed up the stairs and into the 6th grade hallway.
I strolled with leisure through the hallway, glad to be away from all those people. I could hear bits of conversation drifting over from the different rooms.
“Amphibians are…”came from the science room.
“So, you find the intercept…”came from the math room
“Use all capital letter to emphasize…”came from the Language Arts room
Suddenly, the bell rang, signaling lunch. Students poured out of the classrooms and into the hallway. It was hard enough to get through the mob of kids when I was visible, but while invisible it was impossible. The wall of students was impenetrable. Finally, all of the kids went into the lunchroom, including me. Everything looked just like it usually did. There was a sign over the lunch line announcing “gourmet calzones and sizzling fajitas” Boy, those lunch ladies could exaggerate! Those calzones came from frozen boxes and those fajitas were less than room temperature. Someone else who was doing the
same as usual was Ashley Brienhart. She was giving an unsuspecting 6th grader a cold, hostile glareall the way to the aisle. Then I dashed up the stairs and into the 6th grade hallway.
I strolled with leisure through the hallway, glad to be away from all those people. I could hear bits of conversation drifting over from the different rooms.
“Amphibians are…”came from the science room.
“So, you find the intercept…”came from the math room
“Use all capital letter to emphasize…”came from the Language Arts room
Suddenly, the bell rang, signaling lunch. Students poured out of the classrooms and into the hallway. It was hard enough to get through the mob of kids when I was visible, but while invisible it was impossible. The wall of students was impenetrable. Finally, all of the kids went into the lunchroom, including me. Everything looked just like it usually did. There was a sign over the lunch line announcing “gourmet calzones and sizzling fajitas” Boy, those lunch ladies could exaggerate! Those calzones came from frozen boxes and those fajitas were less than room temperature. Someone else who was doing the
same as usual was Ashley Brienhart. She was giving an unsuspecting 6th grader a cold, hostile glare as she attempted to sit at Ashley’s table. No one sat at that table uninvited. No one. The sixth grader scampered away under Ashley’s withering gaze. I shook my head sadly. Ashley may wear luxurious clothing and have perfect hair but she is as malevolent as they come. Being popular and wealthy didn’t give her the right to be so mean. I was thinking all of this when I saw something strange happen. I watched with intrigue as Ashley whispered something in her friend’s ear and walked away from her table, towards the 7th grade lockers. I made a split-second decision and figured that I would put my invisibility to use. I followed her.
What I saw after that was so shocking, that I’m surprised I didn’t faint right then and there. What I saw was Ashley breaking into lockers and stealing things out of them! After she had gone through two more lockers, I decided that I had to do something. I dashed into the technology room and snatched a camcorder from a nearby desk. It turned invisible as soon as I touched it. I ran back into the hallway, where Ashley was still cleaning out lockers, and tried to turn on the camcorder. I couldn’t see the “on” button, though, and Ashley was rapidly approaching the last locker! I started to panic! I had to find that button fast or I wouldn’t have any proof of what Ashley was doing. Finally I found the button; I pressed it and aimed the camera towards Ashley. I recorded her until she left the hallway. Then, I went back to the Tech room and copied the video on to a blank CD. I wrote a note on the case that said, “Dear Principal Whitmore, I thought you might like to see this. From…” I thought for a second and then finished the note.
“From, Now You See Me, Now You Don’t”.
After sneaking into the principal’s office to leave the CD on his desk, I figured I had enough excitement for one day. I went back home to find my grandma right where I left her, except now she was eating oatmeal.
For a second I forgot I was invisible and said, “Hi, Grandma”.
I was worried for a second but I didn’t have anything to be concerned about. Grandma just looked up and said “Hello, Isabel. You look tired. You should take a nap”.
I think my Grandma is a little more than half blind. She was right about one thing though,

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