The Big Day | Teen Ink

The Big Day

February 23, 2012
By SlimShadi BRONZE, Crestline, Ohio
SlimShadi BRONZE, Crestline, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
About three thing I was positive;<br /> First, Edward was a vampire.<br /> Second, there was a part of him-and I didn&#039;t know how dominant that part might be- that thirsted for my blood.<br /> And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.<br /> &lt;3Bella&lt;3

Megan had been planning for her big day ever since the day she had turned twelve. Her and three of her best friends sat at the desk during free time and lunch spending the whole time drawing what they wanted their dresses to look like, what date it would be on, who would be the brides maids, best man, flower girls, ring barrier, maid of honor, and everyone that would be waiting right there in the crowd waiting for those special words,"You may now kiss the bride." She had been waiting for the 'big day' for ten years, now eleven, and anxiously watching the clock thanked the unwinding memories, because at exactly 2:30 she would walk through the arch and start down the aisle towards her soon to be groom, Jared, her father linked by arm, eyes watering, kissing her on her cheek for the final time before her lips finally reached the grooms. She would not be dreaming and fretting over the wedding but would instead start thinking about the little one about to be in their lives not long after, laughing over the names they picked, and seeing that tear rolling down the husband's cheek, just as it did her fathers. Megan cried that night, not because of the memory of her father,but instead because of the memory of the big day. The day that she realized that she was all grow up. And the day she had Amanda and knew that in a short period of time Jared would be the one linking arms with the soon to be bride Amanda, tears streaming, kissing his eighteen year old on the cheek releasing her into the arms of the man that took his little girl away and Megan would be sitting right there in the crowd applauding as she watched her only daughter take the first step into leaving forever, never to return again. And as Megan sat there thinking months later in the hospital bed, her two day old boy in arms, she smiled and told him, " Your going to be an amazing husband.", and seeing his little red cheeks immediately thought of her father and husband and how those tears rolled down their cheeks as they walked her daughter and herself down the aisle to the man waiting for the opportunity to take their daughter's away from the two parents that nurtured and raised them and dreaded the day they would be walking their little girl down the aisle or watching from the crowd as the now grown woman would drive off soon to experience the exact same feeling and applaud as the old little girl and new grown woman wrapped their arms around the groom, hearing the whistles and screams as his lips finally met hers.

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