A Day at the Beach | Teen Ink

A Day at the Beach

February 28, 2012
By Megan Conley BRONZE, St.Paul, Minnesota
Megan Conley BRONZE, St.Paul, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

AsI am sitting on my bright red towel, my feet are sinking into the smooth sand“Is there anything more wonderful than this?... No”. No hard rocks are pointing into my skin, instead I am feeling smoothnessof silk, maybe a pillow. The answer is unknown but I am ok with a mysteryleaving me with more to come. The feeling of blindness begins to sink in as thesun reflects off the clear water. It looks like a painting where the painterwent crazy with glitter and everywhere you look the painting sparkles. Thebrightness of the sun begins to heat my skin faster and faster.

FinallyI stand up, walk over to the water, and “Splash”. The water squirts upimitating a baby whale; just enough of a splash to cool my skin. Theentertainment of the water helps me to decide to take a few steps in. Step bystep, deeper and deeper I start to feel tingling in my skin. I am starting tobecome cold but don’t want to leave. I am not sure what my next plan will bebut finally I decide to dunk my body in. The pinch of my nose and the tight squeezeof my muscles creates excitement allaround me.

This is it, I’m going in. I suddenly drop my knees to the oceanfloor. My muscles relax. My hair is wiggling freely, feeling the water goingthrough it while the flow of the water is trying to let me join the current. Idon’t want to come up. I want to stay under. The salt water begins to sink intomy skin and I shiver. I am running out of breath and decide mymoment’s over and have to come back up. Once again I tighten my muscles tryingto push myself up. As my ears meet sea level I can hear a mix of noises. Halfof me can still hear the stillness of the water, and the other half can hearscreams of children and the splashes of water. Each step I take squeaks in thesand. The last look at the water still glitters and the bright sun stillshines. I say my final goodbyes and grab my red towel and go.

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