Searching | Teen Ink


March 21, 2012
By alannaax17 BRONZE, Clifton Park, New York
alannaax17 BRONZE, Clifton Park, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I sat on the curb searching for home.

Every morning I wake up and go to school. I got through the morning processes of getting ready, (brushing my teeth, picking out clothes, and getting my backpack all together) but this morning was different.

My mom woke me up. She seemed upset, but was pushing to put a smile on her face. I do know she has a tough life. Being a single mother and working to make enough money for the house. I have never met my father. Maybe it's for the better, my mom always said "He wasn't going to be a good father anyways."

After, getting ready my sister and I ran outside to catch the bus. We waved bye to mother and she mouthed I love you. We were on our way to school. My sister and I always sit together on the bus. We are only one year, one grade apart so we get along well.

We walked into school and went our separate ways to our lockers. School is always long and tiring. I always sit in class thinking i can't wait to go home. Finally, the bell rang school was over. I walked to my locker opened it up, packed my backpack, and ran for the bus. My sister was already in the seat waiting for my arrival.

When we returned home our normal day became not so normal.

My mom has always been a good mom. She has never let me down. Today, It felt different though.

There was a sign on our door, stating that our house, the house i have lived in all my life, is not ours anymore.

Why would my mom do this to us?

Why would people take it away from us?"

I was left sitting on the curb searching for a home.

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