The Lonely Pages | Teen Ink

The Lonely Pages

March 22, 2012
By MelGal BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
MelGal BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I sit on the shelf, day by day. I watch as my friends leave one by one. I wait thinking, “When it will be my day to leave?” I feel my heart cracking and my spine breaking. When I think of how I used to have a new adventure everyday, it brings tears to my eyes.

That’s when I see his face. He has a special face, one I haven’t seen before. He picks me up and takes me away. I think excitedly, ‘My life is starting again!’ but then I hear a loud, bloody noise. It is following me and getting closer. I am shaking with fear and feel a rip. He grabs me with no mercy. ‘My body is being pulled apart! He is killing me, and there is nothing I can do. Blackness surrounds me, and before I know it I am on a bookshelf again. I thought that it must be a dream about my pain.

Then some girl picks me up and I think its just another dream. I wondered why a little girl would like an old book like me. She took me home and I went with it. When she started reading from my pages to her mother I was filled with surprise. I heard lovely words like butterflies fluttering about. I found out I have different words and much more color. Then I realized that the man some how changed me, and this was not a dream at all, just a new beginning.

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