Just Letting Go | Teen Ink

Just Letting Go

April 6, 2012
By iDaReToDrEaM13 SILVER, Sharon Springs, New York
iDaReToDrEaM13 SILVER, Sharon Springs, New York
7 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest."

Take a deep breath I thought. This will be great. I peeked out from behind the curtain and recoiled... too many people. "Just Let Go," I heard a voice whisper. Turning I saw a boy in the shadows. Soon I realized it was my best friend, James. I gave him a thumbs up and slowly pulled back the curtains to emerge onto the stage. I danced my heart out that night, and totally let go.

Later on, I was at home and I got a call.
"Hey Kate." he said.
"Oh.. hey James." a smile spread across my face. As I heard that familiar voice.
"I want you to come over for a while and help me with the horses."
"Kay, be right over." I hung up the phone quickly.

I slipped on my old sneakers and went jogging down the dirt road until I got to his farm about five minutes later. I went to climb over the fence, and accidentally grabbed the barbed wire and the points plunged deep into my hand. I was scared that letting go could cause more pain, damage or bleeding since the barbs were so deep into my hand. James came up behind me and grabbed my wrist. He looked in my eyes and simply nodded.
"Just Let Go." he said.

I followed his instructions reluctantly. As I released my hand there was a searing pain, but it abruptly stopped. Smiling I continued over the fence and began walking towards the barn to work with the horses.

A few weeks later... I got a call late one night. I was hoping it was James; I hadn't heard from him all day.

"Hello. Kate please." a shaky voice whispered into the phone as soon as I picked it up.
"Speaking." I hesitantly answered.
"I have some bad news..." the other voice whispered; my heart stopped.
"What?" I said, I was thinking maybe my grandfather died after being in the hospital this past week.
"It appears that your friend James has passed away dear, he crashed his car this morning. I am so sorry."
"What?! No?!"
"I'm sorry... he loved you very mu-"
I hung up the phone; my mind in a complete blur. Running, Running... then i thought of that one day in the fields; the fence.

Racing to it I crouched on the ground and pulled my sleeve up. I stared down at my wrist and made a decision; this is what I wanted to do, nay, what I needed to do.

Reaching out my wrist, I gently put it against the wire; in one swift movement I jerked it to the side and warm blood oozed, in an endless stream from the gash. My head became faint as I watched the blood pour from my body.

Falling backwards, I struggled to breath, and my vision began to fade. Then, I heard a soft whisper, "Just Let Go." Smiling softly to myself, I relaxed my muscles, and let my mind slip away; to be with James once more.

The author's comments:
I am in no way saying suicide is a good thing, this was just a short story about the true friendship that can be felt between two individuals.


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