Mommy's Rainbow | Teen Ink

Mommy's Rainbow

April 6, 2012
By Anonymous

Kiera stayed by her mother's hospital bed. She made sure that the steady beep-beeping of the heart monitor stayed present. Although she was in something called a coma, her skin was gray and to five-year-old Kiera she looked dead. She carefully held her mom's hand and drifted off into a light sleep. She only woke up to barely hearing the beeping.
Kiera listened closer.
Beep..... Beep..... Boooooop....
Kiera was confused. What did that mean? "Daddy," she called. "Daddy, the beeper's making a funny noise."
Suddenly, someone burst into the room. It wasn't her father, but a nurse. She brushed Kiera out of the room and another guided her to her father.
A few minutes later, that same nurse sauntered out with a grave expression on her face. She looked at Kiera's father, shook her head, and said only three words: "I'm so sorry."
Kiera didn't know the importance of those words, but whatever they meant, they made her daddy cry and hug Kiera very tightly. The nurse eventually told her that her mommy wouldn't be coming back. Then Kiera started to cry.
It started to rain. Kiera thought that maybe the sky was crying for her mommy too.
When Kiera's father carried her out of the hospital, the rain had stopped, and all that was left was a rainbow.
Her mommy's rainbow, shining down on them.

The author's comments:
Just thinking about all the little girls and boys who have lost any of their parents. There is still hope. We love you. <3

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This article has 1 comment.

cacaface said...
on May. 4 2012 at 10:01 am
cacaface, I&#39mnottellingyou, Kentucky
0 articles 0 photos 5 comments
bitter sweet story! very nice! I enjoyed it and think you write very well. I believe this will make a great novel to be honest. Has a great setup! Good job