The Crying Women | Teen Ink

The Crying Women

April 11, 2012
By ImperfectionBeaner BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
ImperfectionBeaner BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't leave the person you love for the one you like, because then the one you like will leave you for the one they love."

It was one dark rainy evening. I and my sister was in our rooms watching movies and my mom sleeping. My dad had gone out to home depot with my uncle. We didn’t know my uncle had left his van at our house. So someone had knocked on our door, I go woke up my mom because I thought it was my uncle at the door. So I waited in the hallway while my mom went to open the door. This happened so fast I didn’t even knew what had happened. The only thing I could catch up to was my mom screamed and slammed the door shut. She gets a hold of my hand and runs to my sister room. She turns off all the light and also the TV. I was like all confused I didn’t know what had just happened. When my mom had calms down she tells me and my sister. She said “it was a lady with bruises on her face, she was bleeding and crying.” My mom doesn’t know English at all, so she didn’t understand one thing the lady was talking about. I and my sister were really scared. My dad wasn’t there to calm us down we didn’t know what to do. So my mom calls my dad to tell him what had happened. When my mom called him all he said to do was “just calm down and don’t get out the house for nothing don’t open the door for no one that’s not me.” My mom had just kept looking out the window to see were the lady had gone to, but she didn’t make no movement she just stood there on our lawn. Then a few minutes later she started walking to the street. She was trying to get attention of a car when it passed by her. But they just would ignore her, until one guy stop to see what was wrong. When the man assisted her, we came to find out that all she needed was a phone to contact the police, because what had happen to her was that’s her boyfriend or husband had just beaten her and dropped her off in the middle of nowhere.

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