talking through your eyes | Teen Ink

talking through your eyes

April 25, 2012
By Anonymous

Walking through the city, i see a seventeen maybe eighteen year old teenage boy. When i look at him i automatically see his eyes: not his clothes, shoes or skin color but his eyes. They were gorgeous and just shimmering in the sunlight. The thing that was curious to me was out of all the people in this city, i saw this particular kid. It was like a magnet towards him for some reason that made me recognize him. When looking into his eyes, deep within the image of what he was projecting, i saw this strong teenage kid questioning the world around him, wondering what his next move is going to be. Hood covering his head, hiding his face and the look in his eyes of hopelessness, pain and guilt.

The author's comments:
this just came to me...kinda related it back to my life. i want people to know that you can see so much from just someones eyes.

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