A Book Of Hearts | Teen Ink

A Book Of Hearts

April 26, 2012
By weirdo_8 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
weirdo_8 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:

Kandice woke up to the smell of breakfast cooking in the air. 'My mother must be cooking for once in her life.'. Kandice got up out of her bed, put on her robe and went downstairs into the kitchen.
"Good morning, baby."
"Good morning."
Kandice little brother, Ashton, looked at her with glee.
"What you so happy 'bout crown?"
"Mommy cooked! And surprisingly it ain't bad."
Her mother nodded her head in approval.
"Want some Kandice?"
"Sure. What you cook?"
"Eggs, bacon, pancakes, and your favorite, hash-browns with cheese."
"Sure, I'll take some."
Her mother happily made her daughter a plate of breakfast. 'She probably 'bout to bring another guy in our life. Not that it's not da millionth time already.'.
"Here you go. Enjoy."
Her mother proudly placed her daughter's plate in front of her. Kandice looked at the food in wonderment of food poison, or a magic potion.
"I'm gonna get dressed first."
"What your not hungry, sweetie?"
"Okay, spill the juice."
"What are you talking about?"
"So you woke up this morning and said, 'I'll be a mom today.'?"
"I've always been a mother and don't you ever say I haven't!"
"A "mother" doesn't have her child raise her other child."
"You better stay in your place! I'm warning you, Kandice!"
"What, is the truth too much for you to understand? Or are you still trying to keep it undercover?"
Her mother stormed out the kitchen, into her bedroom upstairs.
Ashton looked at his sister with fear in his eyes.
"Don't worry Crown. I'll always be your mom, but always your sister as well."
She picked her little brother up and went upstairs to prepare him for school.

The author's comments:
It is not completely finished, but it will be soon. Comments will tell me if I should post more or not. I'm really going somewhere with this story.

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