Gone. | Teen Ink


April 29, 2012
By BeccaBecca BRONZE, Bedford, Virginia
BeccaBecca BRONZE, Bedford, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The tears cascade down my face as they talk,

...killed instantly...

...Jeni's gone...

...Cami, listen to me...

How can I listen?

You can't be gone,...


Memories flash in my head.

As reality sinks in.

...You were the last to see her alive...

I can't hold back the flood.

...Cami, I'm sorry...

I'll never see her again, the person I told everything to...

... it's okay baby...

That does nothing to calm my tears.

The author's comments:
A high-school girl's reaction to the news of her best friend, Jeni, death in a car crash.
I published this through my other writing site Figment,

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