The Model (Micro-fiction) | Teen Ink

The Model (Micro-fiction)

May 21, 2012
By jessiexmaze BRONZE, Flemington, New Jersey
jessiexmaze BRONZE, Flemington, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Her delicate hand wrapped around my thumb as we started down the dreary gray hallway. Picture day at the local orphanage. I glanced to my right: the girl’s doll like face glowed radiantly- she had no idea her parents were dead.
“I’ve always wanted to be a model!” she said, beaming with excitement. “Where is my mommy? She wants me to be a model too!”
I sat her down in front of the camera, fixed her flowing white dress and big, flowery hat. Her elated eyes gleamed as she gave me a cheeky smile showing off her missing two front teeth. I tried to grin back, but I was physically incapable.
The photographer had a rubber duck, which he began to squeak- like that was supposed to make orphans joyful. But it made this unaware toddler elated. Knots formed in my stomach.
“Alright, young lady! Smile and say, “Please adopt me!” the photographer cheerfully declared.
The girls face went blank, numb, as the flash of the camera encased her in a beam of unforgiving light.

The author's comments:

I got my inspiration from this painting. The expression on the girl's face was haunting.

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