Secrets Of a Mother | Teen Ink

Secrets Of a Mother

May 25, 2012
By Dye-Hard-With-Passion SILVER, Houston, Texas
Dye-Hard-With-Passion SILVER, Houston, Texas
9 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"OMG, that's a big friggin duck"

They are dreams I show her every night. She plays them thru out her day. There she smiles and sings the joyful tunes of her childhood and some of mine.

And she sees Him...the fair skinned and dark haired boy whom grew into a man. She watches him closely.. his every move shows her more.

She asks me about him every night just before bed. I never say much.. "He's a man now, Sweetheart. Nothing more."

The dreams are real but never spoken aloud. The man she sees is her proud father. He doesn't think he's good enough for them so afar he watches his darling girls.

Deep down he knows I want him back. Holding my hand strolling under evergreen trees with her perched up on his shoulders. My lovely daughter with her handsome father by side.

The author's comments:
A mother hides her daughters father in stories that she calls dreams. The Father watches them everyday and visits while his little girl is asleep. He scared that if he commits to them he'll turn out like his own father. After putting her daughter to bed one night the mother confesses that she wants her family together.


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