Abuse | Teen Ink


May 24, 2012
By maryshaffer BRONZE, Mishawaka, Indiana
maryshaffer BRONZE, Mishawaka, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" No matter how bad you think you have it, others have it worse."

Oh no, I'm hearing those footsteps again. Not any ordinary footsteps, "THE FOOTSTEPS." I know it's him, he's coming back, I need to warn Emma! I courageously tug on Emma's arm trying to awake her. "Emma,Emma, Wake up, He's coming!" She jumped up knowing exactly what I said, scared and frightened she jumps in my bed and gets under the covers in despair. "What should we do?!" she cried. "Should we jump out the window?" she runs over to the glass window, tanking in all different directions but notices it's sealed shut. There is no other way out, the drunk is coming after us and were trapped. We can't do or say anything or that will be the end THUMP THUMP THUMP. He's getting closer, we sat next to each other, cuddled up, shaking. Suddenly the door rushed open and the light flashed between my eyes. He had knocked us out and while doing so all I remember him saying was, "You asked for it." that was what happened to my sister and I. Me being seven and her being five, no one could protect us. It was too late when the neighbors called the police. We're in heaven now enjoying time with our mother and other relatives. I will never miss that hell hole ever again.

The author's comments:
Inspired by a lot of things going on in our world, and how some people have no way out. Try to prevent child abuse or adult abuse for that matter. It just isn't right and there are some things we can help people in need.

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