Just a number. | Teen Ink

Just a number.

June 9, 2012
By Anonymous

"18,000 people were killed" they said. They didn't say your name. They didn't say how many plans you had for the future. They didn't say how hard you worked. They didn't say your name.

They didn't talk about your smile. They didn't talk about how much everyone was going to miss you, how much everyone was crying when they heard. They didn't talk about how happy you made me. They didn't say your name.

18,000 people is such a perfect number. 18,000 thousand people. But it was more than that. It wasn't a perfect figure. It wasn't a perfect hit. NOTHING about it was perfect. You were one of those 18,000 thousand people, and they didn't say your name.

Didn't they care? 18,000 people killed, and just one. You. Sent a whole mass of people in mourning. We think about you everyday. We never forget. You were just one person, but 18,000 more families feel the same. But they didn't say your name.

I wish you knew, I wish they knew, I wish the world knew how much you meant to me. You were everything to me, but to them you're just a number.

The author's comments:
I just couldn't help but think about all the worlds tragedies, and how its always just a number they mention. We never stop to think about how every single person has a mass of mourners left behind. Let me know what you guys think, all critism taken on board :)

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