Rays of the Sun | Teen Ink

Rays of the Sun

August 25, 2012
By Anonymous

As I opened the back patio door,the smell of saltwater overtook my nose.I took a deep, relaxing breath,letting the heat of the sun lightly torch my skin.The early morning ocean waves gently crashed on to the white sand shore.The beauty of the beach was magical and had always comforted me to some extent,no matter what situation.Like my eighth summer, when my grandmother passed away from cancer.Me,my mother,father,and two younger brothers drove five hours to spend only a few days here.Those few days helped me tremendously.So throughout my teen age years i visted.Sometimes with my family,sometimes with my friends,and a few times,alone.I drove here when my parents had a nasty divorce,my boyfriend of four years cheated on me,or when my best friend was paralyzed in a car wreck,no matter what i knew I could find comfort here.In my twenties,I visited when one of my little brothers got arrested,I lost my job,and when being a single mom was too hard.Last year,on the day of my thirty-sixth birthday,i visted to mourn my sons murder.So on my thirty-seventh birthday,i knew this would be the right place to end it all.It was,after all,magical.

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