Lost:sample | Teen Ink


September 13, 2012
By DrakeH. BRONZE, Auburn, Indiana
DrakeH. BRONZE, Auburn, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Carter didn’t even have time to react before the boar pierced his body with its worn yellow tusks. The boar leapt onto him, pinning his body to the ground. Time after time it shredded Carter’s flesh, revealing muscle and bone. Then, deciding it had finished, the boar ran off into the jungle.
Chris took off like lightning. It only took him a matter of seconds to reach him.
“Carter…oh god no…”
Chris slowly lifted Carter’s fading body, assessing the damage that had been done. Red splotches grew from the gashes across his stomach, chest, and neck.
“Hey Chris.”
Carter spat blood from his mouth. It was slowly replaced by more.
“Yeah Carter?” Chris questioned, tears forming in his eyes.
“Kill that hairy ass thing for me.”
Chris laughed, tears streaming down his face.
“Ok Carter. Ok man.”

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