B-Ball Dreams | Teen Ink

B-Ball Dreams

September 21, 2012
By buhrmann BRONZE, Jenison, Michigan
buhrmann BRONZE, Jenison, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

B-Ball Dreams
“That basketball never leaves that boys hands” Zach’s mom, Kendra said. “Yeah”, his father replied, “night or day, rain or shine, he’s out there shooting hoops.” Zach Fisher wanted more than anything to go to the NBA. His dreams were filled with dunking, or making that buzzer beater shot. Basketball was in his blood, and ran through his veins. That sport was in his mind 24/7, he knew everything about it. Jerseys were pinned to the wall all around his room, surrounding him while he sleeps. His prize posession, a Micheal Jordan jersey was held to the ceiling above his bed by 4 tacks.
Zach always looked at the ceiling before going to sleep meaning all of his dreams included that jersey. He could be playing with Jordan and giving him a perfect pass for an ally oop or maybe he’s in Jordans shoes, hitting that fade away to beat the buzzer for the winning basket. It doesn’t matter who was in it, because basketball was all it was about.
Zach pushed harder and harder to get better and better. He wanted the world to know his name. He wanted to play himself on a video game. He wanted to see little kids look up to him, wearing his jersey. And most of all, he wanted to hear the crowd scream his name while he hit the famous fade away.

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