Barnyard fever | Teen Ink

Barnyard fever

September 21, 2012
By zachbdavidson BRONZE, Jenison, Michigan
zachbdavidson BRONZE, Jenison, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Barnyard Fever

I leaped into the room to the smell of fresh mashed potatoes and beef lingering in the air. I started out in a slightly fast paced walk to the front of the lunch line trying not to be too pushy but my hunger was getting the best of me. Once I got the chance to sit down I took the first seat available. I shoved my face deep down into the warm moist potatoes, and in one swoop of the mouth I grabbed a chunk of meat with my teeth. Shaking my head back, I stood up and roared at the top of my lungs.

“ My hunger has been Fulfilled!” Kyle turned his head and we were face to face.

“ Were yaou raised in a barn?!” he shouted at my while a drop of his saliva hit my in the eyeball. I didn't even care I was still so hungry I snatched the rest of the meat with my bare hands and shoved it to the back of my throat and swallowed it without chewing. I grasped my chocolate milk in my hands and chugged every last drop. Then I squeezed the carton and chucked it on the ground. I let out a massive manly fart
“ I am all that is man!” I yelled violently. Then I proceeded to take a nap.

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