What I am | Teen Ink

What I am

September 24, 2012
By ShadowSheWolf GOLD, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
ShadowSheWolf GOLD, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Of ice I am, so cool and slick. No one can hold me; I slip from your grasp. It is better this way. You would not want to be near me for long.
Of lightning I am, so bright and quick. No one can compare to this terrible white-hot beauty; I last no more than a few heartbeats. It is better this way. Lightning does not strike twice. My presence damages those around me.
Of fire I am, so burning and deadly. No one can control me; I rage past anyone’s capabilities. It is better this way. A beautiful and destructive force should be kept at bay. I only destroy.
Of the caged animal I am, so panicked and trapped. No one can help me; it will only make it worse. It is better this way. Trust me.
Of tortured thoughts I am, so desperate and struggling. Nothing can free me.
Of stupidity he is, so comforting and understanding. He does not listen, only holds me close in a tight embrace with gentle kisses and touches, piecing me back together into something that resembles who and what I am.
And for once, of happiness I am.

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