Letters That You'll Never Read | Teen Ink

Letters That You'll Never Read

September 30, 2012
By Mikaylajkarels BRONZE, Winsted, Minnesota
Mikaylajkarels BRONZE, Winsted, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
In three words I can sum up everything I&#039;ve learned about life: it. goes. on.<br /> -Robert Frost

Dear You,
I thought about you today. Well actually, that's an understatement. I see your face every time I close your eyes. Isn't that crazy? The even crazier thing is that I know you're not thinking about me.
I don't know why this hurt me so much. I think I really thought you would be my first love. That's just the beginning of a long list of things I thought about you. Now I know every single one of those things was wrong. You really are quite the actor! You had me believing I was finally going to be happy. I thought you cared about me, maybe even more than I cared about you. But now I'm the one crying, and you're walking away without a scratch.
God I wish you could read this letter. Maybe then you would understand what you did to me. That's my last gift to you, I guess. You'll never have to know what you've done. Although, I don't even know if you would care. The you I asked out would have. I don't think that person exists anymore. The more that I think about it though, maybe he never did. I always knew you were a good liar, but here I thought you had changed. I was wrong. I was wrong again. How could I be so stupid? You're the same self-absorbed person you've always been. And the saddest part? I still care about you. Even worse? Nobody can ever know. Here's something else nobody can know: I'd take you back in a heartbeat. I hate you right now, but I'd come running back to you without a second thought.
I wish I could tell you all this in person. But I can't. And I won't.


The author's comments:
This is a real letter I wrote to my ex but never sent. It's probably not even good. But I can never show this to him and I need someone to know my feelings. Maybe it will inspire you to write your own letter. Maybe you'll even have the courage to send it.

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