There was a Girl | Teen Ink

There was a Girl

October 7, 2012
By Anonymous

There was a girl. She had long hair the color of caramel and eyes as green as grass. The first day I actually paid any amount of attention to her, she was dressed up, with her hair curled, makeup on. She wore a nice dress and some cute strappy sandals. She had a weird look on her face though. She looked anguished and almost scared. I didn’t understand at the time and I still don’t entirely. What I noticed most about her though was that she was running. She was running down the street, through the rain, faster than I had ever seen anyone run. It looked like she was chasing something. I had wondered then if she was looking for cover from the rain, I wonder now if it was love she was chasing. But all I know for sure is she was running and she didn’t stop. I stood there watching, mesmerized. Her makeup was smeared, from the rain for sure, but I think tears were also to blame. It seemed the rain fell harder the more she ran. Her hair hung in wet strands and her dress hung limp from her body, but she didn’t stop running. She didn’t stop until she was forced by an SUV. The SUV made her stop. Her body flew through the air, and landed several feet away from me. I stared, so confused. I didn’t understand why she wouldn’t get up, I guess a part of me did, but the other part wanted to believe she was okay. The next thing I knew I was kneeling next to her and she wouldn’t listen to me. She wouldn’t open her eyes, or breathe, or move. Her hair floated around her face in the puddle she landed in. Her makeup was still smeared and her dress was now covered in blood. Everything I’ve heard says when someone dies they look peaceful. She looked anything but. She still looked anguished and scared. I hoped that even though people were wrong about looking peaceful when someone died, that they were right about heaven. I hoped that she would be okay and whatever made her run, wouldn’t affect her now. The once was a girl. She had hair the color of caramel and eyes as green as grass. She wanted to be loved, needed to be wanted. Something went wrong and she ran.

The author's comments:
Any criticism and/or comments are greatly appreciated!

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on Nov. 5 2012 at 3:13 pm
ldiercks_14 SILVER, Minneapolis, Kansas
8 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
lack of faith is fatal.

As promised, I read some of your work. This piece is gorgeous. I loved this. I'd love to see more of your work, if you'd like, when you come up with a new piece, feel free to e-mail it to me. thanks.