My First Hunting Trip | Teen Ink

My First Hunting Trip

October 12, 2012
By lukep. BRONZE, Kingsmounrtian, North Carolina
lukep. BRONZE, Kingsmounrtian, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
never give up.

It was a cold winter morningwhen I was hunting with my dad and my brother. We were all bundled up in clothes. It was snowing and we were freezing and had snow all over us. My brother was asleep in the stand.
We saw some deer deer tracks going to the deer stand. The gun was soaking wet and we had to keep wiping it off.
Dad said "there's a deer."
I said "do you wont me to shoot it?"
He said "no."
So we just kept hunting. It felt like it was getting colder. We seen a few more deer but nothing big. I was getting fustrated. Then all of a sudden a big one walked out.
Dad said "son look at that deer."
Corey said "Luke you need to shoot that deer."
I said " im shooting that deer dad."
Dad said "ok."
I got the gun up and closed my left eye, looked through the scope and shot. That gun sounded like a cannon.
Dad said "son you killed it!"
I got out of the treestand and went to get the deer. I had shot the deer in the shoulder.
I said "I killed it!"
Dad said "im glad you finally killed your first deer."
Corey said "good job Luke."
I said "Thank you."
We took the deer home and got the meat off of it and made all kinds of stuff out of the meat.

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