Curious Child | Teen Ink

Curious Child

October 17, 2012
By ksalas BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
ksalas BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am a curious child. No I am not like Curious George who H.A. Ray produced; nor am I a perfect child that knows answers to everything in the world. I am a girl who always wonders and who is constantly thinking about what will happen next. I might have even been said to think way too much out of the box. Indeed I am a girl full of wonders and wants answers to everything in this confusing universe.

Curiosity has a mind of its own. Always running in different directions wondering what is going on. Saying, “What is going to happen next? Why is this happening? How does this work?” Or a child wondering what an item would be and simply touching or poking it. It is just a soul searching for answers to gain more knowledge.

Let me say everyone is curious. Wonders and concerns wander through minds. Curiosity can either make someone a connoisseur of any subject or unintelligent. Let me admit, curiosity can ruin someone. It could ruin a relationship or your dignity based on what you may think of. Curiosity is hungry. Trying to feed off of questions to get answers so your curiosity would go away. Good or bad, everyone is curious. Especially me.

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