Magic of the moment | Teen Ink

Magic of the moment

October 24, 2012
By Jared Heywood BRONZE, West Haven, Utah
Jared Heywood BRONZE, West Haven, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do you remember as a child walking through the large gates at disneyland? The fresh smell of cooking churros and fresh popcorn, all of the overly energetic children just trying to drag there parents as fast as they possibly can to there first ride at the magic kingdom. To me that is what the magic of the moment is all about! A single moment that will be in our hearts, and memories for the rest of our lives and we will eventually pass it down to our children for them to enjoy. One of my personal experiences when I have most definately felt the magic of the moment was may of 2011. I had just started dating the most amazing girl in the entire world! Her name is callie and she is just so very perfect! she is fun, energetic, loving, caring, and most of all she just has the biggest most beautiful brown eyes I have ever seen in my entire life! One afternoon right after school I was about to take the biggest step of my life ( for a sophmore in high school it was a pretty ginormous step!). I was walking her out to her car and I had been thinking to myself all day ( I am going to kiss her!). back then this was a huge deal for me. I had never kissed a girl and I had never ever had this many butterflies in my stomach at one time! the moment of truth came as we got to her car we hugged and she stared up at me as if waiting for me to do something. I took a breath and the rest is history! That moment then and there is the most courages I had ever felt in my entire life and now we have been dating for seventeen fantastic months. and I wouldnt change them for the entire world!

The author's comments:
My name is Jared I am 17 years old and am currently a senior at Roy High School in utah. My favorite hobbies are golf and xbox! My english teacher Mrs. sheffield inspired me to write this piece for our quarter project and i am glad i had the opportunity to do so.

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