Cancer | Teen Ink


November 1, 2012
By KenniBops72 BRONZE, Hemet, California
KenniBops72 BRONZE, Hemet, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I walk into school with my hood up and my hands shoved deep inside my pockets. I take a glance at some girls giggling in a circle surrounded by boys. I used to be that girl. Pretty clothes, lots of friends, twirling my hair while smiling to cute boys who seemed interested. A lot has changed this year, no one can understand. No one knows the feeling of walking around, not knowing if today will be your last. No one knows the feeling of having cancer. I used to always braid my hair in beautiful long braids. Girls would always say they were jealous of my thick, long hair. Now no one turns their heads when they see my thin, short strands of thread attached to my head. One trip to the doctors is all it took. Thinking your just going in for a normal check up, then seeing the doctors confused face when they look at the x-rays. You have Leukemia. Those simple words changed my life in a flash. I knew I wouldn’t be able to play sports. Or hangout with friends. Or even have a boyfriend. I knew I was going to lose it all. Now I wake up crying of all the pain. Why me. What had I done to deserve this. Yet all I can do now is accept it. Accept all the pain. Accept the loss of friends. Accept I am slowly dying.

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