My Wedding Day | Teen Ink

My Wedding Day

November 2, 2012
By ArielSbina BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
ArielSbina BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I walked out my door with the bright sun hitting my face. There was the smell of rain from the night before and water puddles still on my doorstep. Flowers were gleaming and every person in town had a smile on their face. I knew that the day was going to change my life. I was going to walk down the aisle and say the two words every girl dreams to get the chance to say.

Those few steps I took down the street were memorable because it seemed that day was only getting better. That early afternoon I walked into the coffee shop, I can still hear Serena who informed everyone in the café that today was my, “Big Day.” Not one person seemed disturbed by the way she was dancing around, bragging about her little sister who was about to get married. I guarantee she was more eager than me, and I was the bride! After putting on a show for everyone, she finally took a seat next to me. We ate breakfast and went over table arrangements to make sure my wedding day was going to be perfect. We didn’t want any disruptions between the people sitting together. We kept joking about how my Uncle Ken and my Aunt Stacy would refuse to be next to each other, but they would always be staring at each other from the other side of the room.

That night when I put on my huge white and gold Cinderella dress, everything in life felt like it was exactly how it was meant to be. There was not one care in my mind, then suddenly I was back in reality realizing exactly what was about to happen. The way I panicked, I’m surprised I didn’t stop breathing. Remembering the thought that it was no longer going to be just me, with everything there was always going to be an us. Luckily I was able to calm myself by the time my dad walked in to get me ready to walk down the aisle. I put a huge smile on my face then heard the music start to play. Just talking about the memory gives me butterflies.

I remember Anthony’s face like an old picture. The sparkle in his light brown eyes and the way his smile was a little crooked, always gave me the chills. Not even seconds after I smiled back at him the most terrible thing happened. I saw his psycho ex girlfriend enter the church from the back door behind him. I froze. There was nothing I could say when she yelled, “You’re making the wrong choice!” I knew he was never completely over Julia. The moment he ran over to her, that was the end of everything Anthony and I ever had. I felt like a faded memory in his mind, like everything we had been through was in a different life time, and that nothing mattered any more. He didn’t hesitate to run out the chapel doors with her, that’s what killed me the most.

Still, remembering this memory so clearly two years later hurts me. When I saw him at the bakery yesterday afternoon I was shocked. He didn’t react to seeing me and looked at me like a stranger. The moment he walked out the bakery door I was curious as to where he was going and followed him. Of course he didn’t know I was there, but he eventually found out. He was turning around the corner, my foot hit the trash can. I remember slowly getting up from behind the sour smelling litter bucket when Anthony and I made eye contact. He looked at me with a second glance before he attempted to walk towards me. Every few steps he took forward, I took one back. Struggling to realize why I put myself in this situation, I noticed something on his left hand. It was a ring. A big, gold diamond ring, big enough to blind me if it hit the light just right.

He spoke when I stopped moving. Our conversation sounded as if we were in second grade, very few syllables and short sentences. He claimed that he was happy to see me, in confusion I wondered why. As we got deeper in the conversation I realized exactly why.
He said, “I’m moving to Canada in about a week, Thank goodness I ran into you.”

In confusion I asked “why?” knowing he was only moving because Julia wanted to move closer to her family. I wanted a reason he was thankful to have ran into me.

With sorrow in his voice he stated, “Before I leave I wanted to say my goodbyes to everyone that means something to me. Even though we’re not together and I left you, you will always mean something to me.”

That very moment I realized he was much different from when I last saw him on our wedding day. He used to be one to not care, and only do things for himself. It was sweet he seemed to still care about her but weird how he was such a pansy, he talked with such sorrow.

For once I felt he had no control over anything I said or did. His opinion no longer mattered. He was a different person. It was definitely weird running into him, but it was also nice to know he didn’t mind seeing me after everything that happened. I remember towards the end of our last conversation Julia called asking for the pastries, and what was taking him so long. With that, we said our goodbye with our final hug. Seeing the same guy that wouldn’t go down on his knees to tie my shoe, lay as a place mat for this girl made me feel bad. Then again he left, but I finally wasn’t bothered by it anymore. I can honestly say I’m over Anthony.

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