character sketch | Teen Ink

character sketch

November 15, 2012
By Anonymous

Rodney allen is a young man that is 17 years old. he tall, brown, skin, haves curly top rolls in his head. He is from Jackson,Mississippi. He is natve american. He frowned like a big bull. He goes to in Jackson fill in Mississippi. Every one at school is a friend of him. Rodney Allen is very humoungous gentle man. There are lots or people that are cool with them. He only has a very few friends. Their are three of them. His three friends names Tom, Berry,and Jim. Tom is six-teen, Berry is seven-teen, and rodney eight-teen years old.They most have all classes with eachother. They walk in the hall way every one scatters or either move, because Rodney walking with them.

The author's comments:
that it explains to be peaople not to be afraid from one person because that peron is a Bully out of their crew who they are around. Warnes you not to go down that path or dont put up with the commotion.

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