December 3, 2012
By phillybaby BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
phillybaby BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
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It was a hot July summer in Philadelphia PA, in a big house there lived a family of three: a mom, a son, and a daughter. On July 12th, 2011 around 7:00 am a girl around 13 woke up and came downstairs because she couldn't sleep. She was the first one up; her mom and her 16 year old brother were sleeping on the sofa in the living room. She went in the next room to watch t.v. until they woke up around 10:00 am. The house phone rang and her brother woke up, but didn't answer the phone. When the phone stopped ringing, he shook his mom and said, "Mom wake up! Mom--- mom wake up..." her face was turned the other way, so he turned her around and saw her and realized that she was dead.
So he started to tell his sister and his sister just looked at him like he was telling a scary joke. So she went and shook her mom and was saying, "Mom , mom wake up!" Then that's when she realized that her brother wasn't telling a scary joke. She started to panic she didn't know what was going to happen.
"Mom ...what do you mean she's dead?'' Amanda turned her mom around and saw that her eyes were rolled back, and her face was milky white. As she saw her lifeless body a cold finger ran down her back. "Paul you were downstairs last night did something happen?''
"Mom called me but I didn't want to come because I was trying to sleep’’.
So that's when her brother called the ambulance and they came out and took their mom. And then they went to go live with their older cousins.
So a week later they had the funeral.

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