Corruption Has Befallen Us | Teen Ink

Corruption Has Befallen Us

December 8, 2012
By Roabie-Zacque BRONZE, Kansas City, Kansas
Roabie-Zacque BRONZE, Kansas City, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Greatness Is in the hidden, we must fight to uncover the hidden"

The Doom has befallen the land of greatness, the hope of man, the glorious land. Said by Anne Frank, in her diary on July 15, 1944, "I see the world slowly transformed into a wilderness, I hear the approaching thunder that, one day, it will destroy us too, I feel the suffering of millions." Is this what she meant? Is it what she was talking about? Did she truly see it in her eyes? Did she see it coming? Did the world fall right before her fore-eyes? The hurricanes, the candies, the earthquakes, deaths, Did she see it all coming?
I see the world falling down, corrupted, dangerously turning into a red burning fire, slowly destroyed. Doomed is the world. We have eyes but we do not see, It is said that, what kills a man, is worth dying for, it is worth risking for. Careless souls, man who choose power over a life still exist in this great land of men. There was once a crying of children, a crying of little ones, and now it is come to the point when a man shall come crying among these children. It is said that, A man does not shed tears for nothing, A man does not bow down when the matter is not life and death. What can we do as to be among great men? What can we do to save the world from falling into condemnation? The doom has greatly befallen us, the striking of sandy, the hurricane disasters, the earthquakes, has truly and indeed proven Anne Frank to have seen it all in her eyes. The crying of children in Haiti, for hunger, was indeed horrifyingly not an end of corruption in this great glorious land of man.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem as a tribute to those who've lost their properties and loved ones due to the hurricane sandy. I never thought of consequences as I was writing it but as I finished, i imagined, will they like it, will they read it even, will they even see.

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