The Will of A Man | Teen Ink

The Will of A Man

December 12, 2012
By daviddavid BRONZE, Mcdonough, Georgia
daviddavid BRONZE, Mcdonough, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As he lay there wide awake, Jack Waddington finally realized the reality of his decision he had made several months prior. He had asked his family on their thoughts about possibly volunteering for a deployment to Afghanistan with United States Army. His three boys instantly felt a great sense of pride and thought that it would be really cool; however, his wife and daughter were apprehensive about seeing him go. In the end, he decided that God would give him protection if he was selected to leave.
Around 4:30 A.M his alarm went off. He got up, careful not to disturb his wife with too much noise or movement and started to get ready. At 6:30 A.M, the entire house was stirring as the kids got ready for school and as he got ready for an "extended business trip," as he put it. 7:30 A.M came around and the children, with the exception of the little girl who was home schooled,said goodbye for possibly the last time and departed for school.
Shortly after the boys left, Jack came down the stairs in his uniform with his bags in hand. Jack, his wife and daughter then went to the car without saying a word, got in the car, and went to Jack's office...his launch point for the deployment. After getting there they got out of the car, Jack grabbed his bags, kissed his wife and daughter one last time, and without another word turned around and walked into his office.
This event took place on August 5, 2011. Jack has safely returned home to his lovely family back on U.S soil, safe and unharmed.

The author's comments:
.....never forget those who serve for your country for you......

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