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December 10, 2012
By Kisses_nhearts BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
Kisses_nhearts BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

December 3, 2011, the American soldier returns home after eight horrific years of fighting the war in Iraq to a wife and two children. Entering through the door into the spacious interior which he calls home, he examines the cool tones of the walls, the upholstered furniture covered in sensuous fabrics, and jute textures of the floors. He moves further into this unfamiliar place, and the aroma of his wife's famous green bean casserole fills his nostrils. He's home.

Two children run toward him at full speed and clashes into him screaming "daddy”. At that present moment, it hits him. He's back in Iraq. He picks up his gun, and runs on with his close friend towards the other troops. With his friend behind, he hears a prominent disturbance. A shot was fired into his friend's head. He stares at him for a while trying to figure out what he can do, but there's nothing he can do. The flashback is over. He's back at home with his children in his arms. He hugs and kisses his wife and tells her how much he misses her. At the dinner table, he continues to reminisce about life in Iraq. As he gazes into the eyes of his wife and kids, he knows that he's home.

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