The Wait | Teen Ink

The Wait

December 10, 2012
By Samragyi BRONZE, Kathmandu, Other
Samragyi BRONZE, Kathmandu, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You can manipulate her physique. You are too powerful now. You can bind her in as many threads as you want, and she will dance on your mere finger movement. She could seem weightless. You can control every little movement of hers. She can seem like your puppet. She knows that life can be too difficult at times.
But she thinks. And no matter how many threads you can bind her with, none can tie her mind. She will be a Gulliver, imprisoned by dwarves all her life, but she is not the type who gives up. She is not the one who accepts loss. She knows how to hold on and be strong. She knows that someday when all the limits of tolerating and fighting crosses, a new dawn will break and she will have it the normal way.
She waits. Every instant in painful present seems like forever. But she realizes well that the past is always an instant, sorrowful or gay. Thousands of bygone experiences can cross the mind in a blink of eyes. So, she holds on believing that everything will be all right when today turns yesterday.
Some days, it gets beyond all limits. And she can’t stop tearing until she falls asleep. But the next day always brings hopes and bright sun rays falling on her swollen eyes is enough to pass bliss on her heart and give her enough reasons to hold on. A heavy rainfall on a dark evening, smile of an innocent baby, a pretty little flower or leaf or a beautiful top is just enough company in her wait. And until the day of her neverland of a normal future comes, she will just wait, because she knows that better things come to those who wait. And things seem better to those who wait.

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This article has 1 comment.

Steve said...
on Dec. 25 2012 at 7:10 pm
nice! like ur article