The Sad Little Spoon. | Teen Ink

The Sad Little Spoon.

December 17, 2012
By RatchetAsianJason BRONZE, Garland, Texas
RatchetAsianJason BRONZE, Garland, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You go Glen Coco.

In a cheap Albertson stores, down a little aisle, laid a sad little spoon. “Why won’t anyone buy me? “ The sad spoon complained. Months later as all the excited feeding utensils rushed to the edge of the shelf as a beautiful blonde girl walked by with her teenage friend. She looked through the aisle and noticed the sad little spoon in the back.

“Oh em gee, Chelsea, I should buy this spoon for no reason!” Said the blonde girl.

“Oh my gosh Tiffany, you’re like... So smart, I wish to be you.” Said the teenage girl.

On the way home the sad spoon was now a happy spoon, but when he got home… He was placed on the table of the teenage girl. As he looked around, it seemed quiet.

“Ha, look a new guy. He looks useless,” yelled the book out of nowhere.

“Ha-ha, you’re right. No one is probably even going to use him!” Laughed the lamp.

Months later, still on the table under stacks of homework and papers, the happy spoon was now thinking it was true what book and lamp had said; he was sad again. Moments later the blonde girl busted into her room with her boyfriend.
“Omg Tyrone, I need to clean up,” she said picking up the book. “Ew, who reads anymore?” Tossing the book into the trash. “ Ugh , who needs lamps? I have a flashlight app,” down goes the lamp, into the trash.
Picking up the spoon, “ I think I’ll go eat cereal now.” She said leaving. The sad spoon was once again, and forever, happy.
“ I never ate cereal with a spoon…” Said the girl.

The author's comments:
I was forced to make a story in English class, people loved it.. But it's just a story about a spoon.

Photo is not by me, I give credit to the artist, who wasn't named.

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