My Secret | Teen Ink

My Secret

December 17, 2012
By Anonymous

Telling someone about the secret that I’ve held for practically 3 years is like a bulimic model not forcing a finger down her throat. Now I know that sounds a little harsh, but it gets the point across of how hard it is to tell someone. My secret has hurt me to the point where I couldn’t take another day in this world.
The story I’m about to tell you is based on me, my three best friends, my dad and the one that soon became my greatest fears.

It had all started on the day of my 18th birthday; I had been knocked unconscious for running away from my friends, because they were more eager to celebrate my birthday than I was. I had gone to class after missing 3 of my classes for being in the nurses’ office. I had sat down in my usual spot, next to the football player, whom knocked me down. When I recognized him I glared at him for his wrong doing, what I got back was something I never expected. It was 7 numbers spread across a torn piece of paper with the name Tyler on top.

That day was the beginning of my worst nightmares.

8 Months later

I don’t know what I had done to cause this, but it was inevitable, no one could stop what has begun. I was deeply afraid of the one that I supposedly loved, but it was all a charade. The people I talked to saw the signs, but right when they started to figure it out he would soon become loving, like how it all started out.
I knew I was in complete denial, but the thing was I didn’t know how to tell anyone, it wasn’t until the day someone saw him, saw him slap me. I had grown used to him slapping me, but it was the punches and the kicks I was afraid of. They were as if someone was shooting me, over and over again, I had no control over the things that happened.

1 Year later
The trial was all over, he was locked up, I wish I could say for good, but he wasn’t his parents were very loaded with money, his father was a lawyer as well, so they only were able to keep him for 10 years, 10 years were enough to help me regain my strength, to help me face my nightmare in the eyes without fear, to put my life back on track.
There were many people who hated me, hated me as if I had done something wrong. I had received many threats, threats that should have scared me, but frankly with all that I went through, I only became stronger, smarter, and wiser. I wasn’t afraid of what they promised to do to me, thankfully nothing ever happened, but the thought is what counts.

10 Years later
He finally came out. His life was over by that time, no one wanted him.

I was able to live the life that I wanted. My life was starting; I had a husband, a baby girl, a successful career. A loving home and family. For once I was not afraid to do what I wanted.

The author's comments:
what inspired me to write this, was because one day all i heard were women getting beat up by their husbands or boyfriends, and they never got back on their feet after everything they went through, so i believed just once women should be able to have a little bit of a happy ending even if it's not for a long period of time.

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on Jan. 10 2013 at 11:26 am
SuttonMarieLeCroix BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
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Hi Alysse!