The life of minecraft man | Teen Ink

The life of minecraft man

December 19, 2012
By cheyler BRONZE, Kalamazoo, Michigan
cheyler BRONZE, Kalamazoo, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time there was a guy called Minecraft man he had a very weird life which involved hunting for diamonds finding food and battling zombies. The zombies were Minecraft mans least favorite part. In this exact order are all the things Minecraft man does in a normal day of his life. First he wakes up, eats breakfast, goes to the window of his house, and looks for zombies (they make his life interesting because he has an eye disease that makes everything that he sees look like it’s made from legos). He goes outside to look for diamonds (it’s his life’s work to find diamonds). After that normally, he would call home and have his partner (john) start making dinner but as Minecraft man was about to exit the mine he thought he saw a glint of blue that looked liked diamond so he slowly approached it sadly it wasn’t diamond it was a rock. He turned around again and began to walk back outside, but this time he saw that his path was blocked by zombies, it was a trap! Minecraft man fainted from how surprised he was from seeing the zombies there. When he woke up he saw that the zombies had tied him to a tree outside the mine he remembered the emergency walkie talkies both he and john carried he reached, slowly, into his pocket took it out, and called john. “Where are you” said John franticly. “The zombies got me and tied me to a tree” said Minecraft man. “Well I guess I can say that you finally, met your match. But I am still on my way to help, just hang tight and whatever you do, don’t cause more trouble!” About 10 minutes later john showed up rescued Minecraft man and they both went back, in the mine because minecraft man insisted he saw something diamond like again so they checked it out and it was diamond! That night Minecraft man and john went home, with 30 pounds of diamond! After a dinner of chicken they went to the merchant who bought their diamonds for a fortune it was enough money to last john and Minecraft man their entire lives. After that day they enjoyed a nice, leisurely life in, Minecraft world.


The author's comments:
it was a fast idea i had

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