A Walk In The Woods | Teen Ink

A Walk In The Woods

December 17, 2012
By WilltheWalker BRONZE, Paw Paw, Michigan
WilltheWalker BRONZE, Paw Paw, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A Walk In The Woods

“Sam this way!” I called to my loyal Border Collie whom I enjoy spending time out in the woods with. Tearing around the corner, he came, spraying dirt and leaves as he skidded to a stop directly in front of my feet. I stood still and looked at him wondering how a dog could have such a human like expression on his face.

“It is sure a nice day for a walk!” I said to him glancing at the overcast sky. Without reply, he sighed and started sniffing along the ground for nothing, or so it seemed to me until he picked up an unusually large branch that he soon gave up on and went for a small twig instead. I stepped over the branch Sammy had conveniently put in the middle of the walkway and began walking down the leaf-covered trail that would soon lead us to the field.

The Red pine trees that lined the path made eerie creaking noises as they towered 70 feet over us. My dog has a ritual of running down a narrow trail every time we take a hike near by it. It helps him burn off the energy that has built up from him being in his pen all day. Once in the field, Sam ran off after some birds he somehow thought he could catch, while I cheered him on. He came back and we eventually ended up back home where I fed him and went inside for my own dinner with the family.

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