Mr. Cuddles' Life | Teen Ink

Mr. Cuddles' Life

December 17, 2012
By paige mangiafico BRONZE, Garland, Texas
paige mangiafico BRONZE, Garland, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I fell so happy today. Today after all this waiting I have a child.
His blue eyes how they so much life in them. Ian that’s the kids name and he named
me cuddles. We played all day long and sleep together every night. I stand by his side
in good times and bad. But as he got older we didn’t play as much.

Than one day he left for collage. I knew in that moment my destiny was in the
trash. But I didn’t get thrown away. He put me in the attic. But I was still sad that I
cant be with him anymore. When he came back six years later, He had a kid of his own.

Ian gave me to his little boy. I was overwhelmed with happiness. I know now he
didn’t leave me. He left me up their cause he wanted to past me on to his child.
I hope I get pasted on to his child just like Ian pasted me on to his child.

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