Lost in the Woods | Teen Ink

Lost in the Woods

December 17, 2012
By Anonymous

I was lost. Ever since I let my stupidity get in the way of my good judgment I was

stuck stranded sitting on the grass clueless as to where I was or how I was to get out.

It all started when I ran away from my parents after an argument while we were hiking in the mountains (which seems pointless now because I cant even remember what we were fighting about). Somehow I ended up in the middle of the woods with no cell phone service and no food to eat. I frantically continued to walk around aimlessly with no sense of direction only hoping that maybe luck would be on my side and I would find some trace of human life.

As the minutes passed my worry continued to grow. “Surely my parents are looking for me” I thought to myself. Well as I assumed I saw no signs of people any where and finally decided to take it upon myself to go looking for my parents. I tried to recollect where I was at the moment I was arguing with my parents and remembered a tall red oak tree in the distance that stuck out among all of the other trees. I figured if my parents were smart like I assumed, one of them would come looking for me while the other one would stay watch in case of my return.

I began to trace my steps which unfortunately later came to a dead end and I was back in the same dilemma I was in before “which way to go?”

I took a chance and started south which was the way the stream was flowing and started to notice what looked like a red figure in the far distance. Relief instantly filled my body because soon I came upon an empty canteen and knew I had to be close.

I continued my hike as the sun was going down and sped up my pace in hopes of making it before dark. I kept going for another hour or so and miraculously, I finally saw a human figure up ahead and raced toward it. As I got closer I realized it was my father!

As I figured, they had both been looking for me all day and were worried to death where I had disappeared to. I was so grateful to be reunited with them after that awful day and plan on moving from it with an important lesson learned.

In retrospect, I am thankful this happened because it made me aware of how doing something so silly could have potentially severe consequences. Being able to control your emotions is a great virtue and can save you from a lot of pain.

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