High School Friendships | Teen Ink

High School Friendships

December 13, 2012
By Anonymous

“I’m sorry! I really don’t feel well and I just don’t want to come to the game,” Leah pleaded repeatedly on the phone. She covered her mouth to conceal her cough.

“I don’t believe you. You’ve wanted to go to this game with me all week,” Sarah said with a stone cold snap.

“Well I have wanted to go to the game! It’s not like I planned on getting sick.”


“If you really want me to come to the game that bad I will.”

“No. Don’t bother I just made other plans.”

“Sarah, c’mon you can’t really be mad at me over this.”

“Look, I don’t even care anymore. You can lie to me and go off and do whatever you want. You don’t have to lie to me and tell me your sick when you just trying to go hang out with your other friends.”

“Oh my goodness! For like the hundredth time I am not lying to you. I really don’t feel well, you can ask my mom. I am laying down on the couch right now.”

“K.” That one letter made Leah mad. She was sick of Sarah making everything a big deal.

“Look. This is all so really unfair. And you know it! You have ditched me multiply times and I never say anything to you about it. The one time I don’t want to do anything you freak out. I am not even ditching. This is so unfair Sarah. The entire universe does not revolve around you. I am not going to let you just walk all over me anymore and choose when you want to hang out with me. ” Leah’s voice was cracking and getting horse due to the fact of how much and how loud she started talking. As the adrenaline wore off she knew what she said was a bad idea. She had never stood up to Sarah before. She line was quite on the other side.

“Well good because I am so over you.” Leah heard the call end. As tears started swelling up in her eyes she looked at her phone one last time. Right now it was displaying a picture of Sarah and her smiling brightly as they sat together at Starbucks for their morning coffee. She clicked the lock on her phone so she wouldn’t have to see the picture and threw her phone across the room.

The author's comments:
This was written after i fought with my friend. Its about that one friend you have that can do whatever they want but when you do it to them, they flip out.

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