Running Away | Teen Ink

Running Away

January 2, 2013
By Anonymous

I couldn’t stop running. The small city was quickly disappearing and the slight trees here and

there were quickly multiplying. The screaming, fighting, and threats wouldn’t stop ringing in my

head. Why were they always fighting? Why couldn’t mommy and daddy just get along like the

old times? I’ve been asking myself these questions for five years now, somehow I never got the

answers, not until today at least. If you could call those my answers. Just half an hour ago I got

the news of my life, which was why I am here, running into the thick forest at nearly sunset.

I didn’t know where I was going, I just knew that going back home was not an option. I

was sick of hearing their fighting; I was sick of being woken up three in the morning from

slamming doors just down the hall; I was sick of home. I needed to escape and think about

everything. I usually come to this forest for that, the calmness and quietness of it soothes my

headache, but I had lost track of where I was while getting lost in my thoughts. I was now deep

in the trees and the sun was just about to sink into the ground, and I began to panic. I knew I

lost, and I knew I wanted to be home.

The sky was getting so much darker, and I was beginning to get frantic. The dark eerie

feeling of the woods was starting to bother me, and the woods I once knew just a few minutes

ago turned into a scene from a horror story; Creepy, dark, and frightening. I don’t understand

how something once so calming could turn into what little kids dream of wishing and hoping they

were never to be in that position. In that moment, I was a little kid. Wishing I was back home, in

my bed, listening to the sound of screaming in the room just right to the hall. I was dreaming,

hoping, wishing that I was never to be in that position.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 4 2013 at 7:10 pm
ClaireBearH PLATINUM, McLean, Virginia
20 articles 6 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.<br /> Aristotle Onassis

Wow! so perfect. i love it