"Dreams of my mother" | Teen Ink

"Dreams of my mother"

January 3, 2013
By reynaa96 BRONZE, Ny, New York
reynaa96 BRONZE, Ny, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Wake up, Wake up, Wake up Cindy!”

That’s all I heard while I’m trying to go back to sleep. You know what I hate? When you’re having a good dream that makes you not want to wake up. It always has to be my twin sister Candy to wake me up. Sometimes I just feel like shooting her in the head, if only people knew how much I hated her.

“I hope you know while you trying to head back to sleep and dream about your little boyfriend everyone else is getting ready to go to church, Cindy!”

Her voice is so annoying and girly. Now since I’m up I have to drag myself out of bed and head to the bathroom. Sometimes I wonder why it is traditional to go to church the day of your sweet sixteen for some of us Latina girls.

As I brush my hair I feel tears coming down my face and it’s not because I just came out the shower. I start thinking about my mother. Damn, it would’ve been nice for her to be here. Three years since she has been gone. I miss her I really do. I miss her so much no one will be able to understand. She used to wear high heels all the time and yea I admit it, it was annoying at times. My mother had naturally long blond hair just like my twin sister, Candy and mine. I miss how she used to always make me breakfast before school. Now I have to rush to the store every morning and get something to eat it’s just not the same. If only that guy would’ve never gotten drunk and drove. Because of him I no longer have my mother with me. Having my sweet sixteen with my twin sister, Candy, is something she always wanted so I’m making her dream come true.

All I have left is my father, Adam, My twin sister, Candy, and my little four year-old brother, Junior. Ever since my mother passed away we haven’t been a close family since then.

“Cindy let’s go! We can’t be late!”

I rush down stairs

“OOO! Fancy I see!”

Candy’s in her weird long-looking dress, my father and little brother, Junior, in their cute little suits. My father has always been there for us and I’m happy he hasn’t pushed us away since my mother’s accident. My father is a really strong man taking care of three kids on his own. But I can tell he’s hurt inside. I can tell he misses my mother I mean he has to do everything on his own. Candy? Well, I don’t even know what goes on through that girl’s head. We never had a conversation about my mother but I know one thing for sure, it’s killing her inside knowing my mother is gone and won’t be coming back.
When we are on the road I slide my window open and smell the nature, the smell of trees that was the only thing around us. In California there’s not much like in the movies where they show the Hollywood sign and everyone is walking around all happy. Where I’m from is a really small, my house is huge for no reason. My house has a front and backyard. It’s so huge my sister was thinking about turning it into this magical place for our sweet sixteen. I must say even if she gets on my nerves she has an awesome idea.
Our school is right down the block from my house. I hate it how nobody gets along. Everyone has their own cliques there’s the nerds, the football team, the weirdo’s, and there’s way more from where that came from. Candy wants to invite the school, that’s really stupid of her, yes we get along with everyone but still most are going to judge us and I don’t want any problems. We arrive at the church for rehearsal, best friend Marycris and my family where already there. Rehearsing at church is what we need because when my special day comes I don’t want to be looking dumb not knowing what to do. Our big day is four days away and I can’t wait it will be my moment to shine. The days I make my mother’s dream come true. I’m just happy my family will be there with me and my sister but I’m happy knowing my father has put in everything he has to make sure this day happens. One thing I can’t wait for is the father and daughter dance. Maybe that can bring my father and me closer. After rehearsal we all head out to dinner as a big family. I enjoy every moment of it because they remind me of my mother and how she would normally make sure we are all ok and having a good time. My grandmother took her place since my mother can’t do that she makes sure she does. We all go to this restaurant that I don’t even know the name of but it’s so huge and fancy it’s like a ballroom where chandeliers are up, candles in the middle of the tables and there’s a really fancy carpet going all around.
What is this some type of five star restaurants? I asked myself.
We all took a seat and right after we all get what we want to eat my father start’s thanking the family for being there for us. While everyone else is eating I start thinking about random stuff like I always do. I know it would’ve been different if my mother was here. After dinner it seemed like everyone was rushing to go somewhere meanwhile I was ready to head back home. For the last couple of days I have been getting ready for mine and my sister’s big day. My sister and I been so busy it’s not even funny. I’m hoping that all the stress we been trough will be worth it at the end.


My sister is screaming and jumping on my bed acting like a little five year old. I was never a morning person and she knows it but then again I have to get up and do this crazy hair of mine for today. I start going down the stairs and my heart start’s skipping beats and tears coming down my face. There’s my mother looking so beautiful in her long blue dress with diamonds on the bottom. It fit her so nice she slowly starts walking towards me as I walk towards her. She holds my hands as she starts crying with me and tells me how happy she is. She’s happy because my sister and I are making her dream come true and how she will be looking down at me and my sister. She hugs me so tight it seemed so real I wish I could hug her forever I miss her and I need her. Next thing you know I opened my eyes and snap back to reality. That dream seemed so real, I love it when I dream about my mother because it’s like as if she was actually with me. I start waking up my sister because our big day is here. Once she’s up we start hearing noise coming from down stairs music playing and people talking

“The party has stared! I’m ready to dance where the twins are at?”

O gosh I knew that was Aunt Jessie she is always wanting to party that’s why I love her she’s someone fun to be around with. My sister and I rush down stairs and start getting our hair done. I stared to get nervous my mom was the one that was supposed to be helping me put on my dress but since she’s not here I asked my grandmother to help me. After church we all head back home to make sure everything was set up ready for the night. As the day goes on people start to show up and I can honestly say I’m proud of my father for making this day happen and setting everything up so beautiful. It’s dark outside, but there are lights everywhere, a lot of round tables with chairs so people can sit. White candles on top of the tables. The DJ is set up outside in the backyard, One thing that makes everything look so nice is the lake. A buffet is set up at one table with a lot of different types of foods. I love the smell of that Spanish food, of that mangu with that good rice, chicken, and beans. My sister’s table and mine are set up in the backyard in front of every ones table because you know since it’s our big day we need our own table. So far I don’t regret anything and knowing I made my mother’s dream come true makes me feel so much better.

There he is in his white suit looking so handsome. I can’t believe it my crush is here.
OMG! He’s walking towards me his smile got me so weak but I catch myself smiling back I probably look like an idiot. The palms of my hands are sweating yea that’s how nervous I was.

“You look so beautiful; I wanted to ask you if you want to dance?”

“ Aww thank you that’s the nicest thing you ever told me, mind you I known you my whole life and you always been so rude, but yea let’s go dance”

On our way to the dance floor he’s holding my hand and I have butterflies in my stomach. I just couldn’t believe it. We stared dancing to some bachata. While we’re dancing I start looking around with the only smile on my face. I mean come on how can I regret this? It’s just a perfect day. I have my family with me; I made my mother’s dream come true. I have a better relationship with my father and sister, plus I was able to dance with my crush! This is just the beginning and it’s a nice way to start my year of being a sixteen year old, who had some rough times and everything seems to get better even if my mother is not here.

The author's comments:
every teenager hits a point in their life when they are missing someone special in their life

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