Love Story | Teen Ink

Love Story

January 3, 2013
By Ashley5678 BRONZE, Chino, California
Ashley5678 BRONZE, Chino, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was walking home from school with my head held low. Today was very strange and unusual. No one talked to me. I wasn't even called on during class. Was it me? Well it can't be. I don't know what I did wrong. Then something change my whole entire day around. When I was walking home I bumped into Austin Thompson, the hottest guy in school. Little did he know, little did anyone know, I liked him a little to much. I felt myself blushing as I tried to not be seen.
"Hey Jamie."
He knows my name. Oh my gosh! I had no idea a guy as popular as Austin knew who I was. I paused. I knew I had to say something.
"Hi Austin. What are you doing walking home."
"Following you."
"What?" I said a little worried.
"I want to get to know you better. Your beautiful."
I was speechless. The hottest guy on earth just called me, Jamie Sanchez, beautiful! I did not know what to say.
"Me, beautiful? Umm, thank you!"
"There's something special about you Jamie, I just know there is."
"Wow, thank you. Well this is my house. Thanks for walking with me."
"No problem. See you tomorrow."
As I stepped in to the house, I immediately go upstairs to my room. I just sat there. I couldn't believe I was actually noticed by Austin Thompson. When we were walking I didn't know he slipped a piece of paper with his number on it in my backpack. We talked all night. The next day he wasn't at school. I called him in the evening and he said he was in the hospital. He started feeling chest pains then past out and was rushed to the hospital. Austin also told me the doctors had to get test on him. As soon as he told me I rushed to go see him. When I saw him I burst into tears. The doctor came back with test results.
"I have some bad news. Your test results showed that you have cancer."
I couldn't stop crying. Austin looked at me and told me he would be okay. I was so shocked that he said that after hearing he has cancer. I never left his side and was his someone to talk to. A year went by and doctors told him he was getting better. Finally, Austin was cancer free. We both cried tears of joy. We went out to eat that night. We never went out together but I didn't know that on that night, Austin was going to get down on his knee and changed both of our lives. He asked me to marry him and I said yes. I guess there is such thing of happy endings.

The author's comments:
The reason why I wrote "Love Story" is that love is very strong and no matter what situation you are in, you will always be there for the one you love.

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