Dear Diary,Bring Me A Sandwich | Teen Ink

Dear Diary,Bring Me A Sandwich

December 26, 2012
By Anonymous

February 14, 2012
Dear Diary,
It happened! It finally happened! My first kiss! Rían Wilford, the most popular boy in school was my first kiss, me, Rose freakin’ Sulavine. I haven’t told anyone, I don’t think they’d believe me. I barely believe it myself, and I was there. I have no idea what will happen on Monday; I hope he’ll ask me out. That would show Kimberly. She thinks she’s the queen of high school. That everybody obeys her. I can’t wait to see the look on her face when she finds out. This morning I saw her in the passenger seat of Eddy (Rían’s best friend) new Porsche without her seatbelt on clinging to his arm. As she drove by I had a very vivid daydream that Eddy took the turn on Candy Cane Lane to hard and she went flying out the window into Ms. Huston’s garbage cans. A girl can dream right?
Oh, and I have some other major news D.D. The diet is really working! I’ve lost 17 pounds this week alone. Can you believe that! I’m now 123 pounds. Mom’s very proud. She says I can’t end up like dad if I don’t look like him, although the other day she was saying that I had his nose. I missed him today. After Rían kissed me, I thought how dad would react if he knew I was kissing a boy, and a Wilford at that. Mr. Wilford was always talking about dads weight behind his back, like dad couldn’t hear. That’s what the other kids used to do to me. You remember that D., my first ever diary entry. I feel bad for the next person who has to go through their insults. They’re not that bad once you get used to the taunts though. I almost want them back if it means I can have just one more of grandmas famous fudge sundaes. I have to watch the Barbies come in to the restaurant every other day and order one each, then only eat one bite. It took all of my strength yesterday, not to pick up their still full bowls and hide in the freezer, devouring them.
Well, Mr. Dovian gave out a bunch of geometry homework, 5 pages, 167 problems, and 3 hours of staring at a blank page worth actually. I did the math. No pun intended. I’ve been putting it off till the last day it’s due, which just so happens to be today, the best day of my existence. Mom will kill me if I drop below a B- so I have to go. Talk to you later, D.
~Rose Sulavine

The author's comments:
I wrote this for a class assignment and really liked it. I hope to write more about Rose Sulavine

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