A Warrior's Past | Teen Ink

A Warrior's Past

January 4, 2013
By TheRhapst BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
TheRhapst BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A Warrior’s Past
Alex is just your typical 28-year-old guy. He likes to hang with his friends at the bar and do what men do. That is the side society sees. The real side of him is nowhere near normal. Alex was a marine for six years. He was on the ground as a sergeant. During his campaign, he saw many things. He killed insurgents, he was shot at, he watched fellow Americans die. He returned home after nearly being killed by an IED. Alex lost his foot from the explosion. He layer there in agony, crying for help, watching as his blood flowed out of his body. The Medic managed to stop the bleeding, and Alex was medevac’d out of the area. Alex now suffers from PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Every day he has a one-hour physical therapy class. Due to the PTSD he has trouble sleeping. The nightmares of war come back to haunt him. The faces of lost men arrive in his mind. The explosion and the pain of losing is foot return. He seldom talks about his involvement in the war. Alex finds peace with the friends he hangs out with. This is because they are also war veterans. The bond between each other is unbreakable. They all know the feeling of losing friends and the horrors of war. Most people don’t recognize the fact that he suffers every day. Most people will never understand this Warrior’s Past.

The author's comments:
It is about hardships of war.

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