Forever and Always | Teen Ink

Forever and Always

January 4, 2013
By kayjaide582 BRONZE, Casa Grande, Arizona
kayjaide582 BRONZE, Casa Grande, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
De la mort et de l'amour obscurité était né.

My story all started with a look. A look from the most popular boy at Sky Lander Prep. Everyone knew Shane Walker, not one person went around school without hearing how amazing or attractive he was. He was who every guy wanted to be and who every girl wanted to be with. So, you’re asking why he would look at me. I have no clue, maybe I had something on my face or maybe it just so had happened that fate willed him to glance about forty-five degrees to his left. Whichever one it was, I was fine with it. Because of who I was, it was almost impossible that he would ever talk to me. I was the type of girl that never really got noticed. When people would talk about me, you would actually have to think about who I was. I was the girl that never went over the minimum assigned. I never spoke out in class; I never did excellent on my math finals. I wasn’t outrageously hideous, or beautiful. I was just hhonestlyyour average sixteen year old teenager, until that one Friday.”Hey, it’s Espie right? Can I walk you to your first hour?” HhonestlyI couldn’t even get ANY words out. I managed to finally say yes after about thirty wasted seconds. Walking to Mrs. Lealman’s class with Shane Walker beside me was out of this world. I can’t even describe it. It was an out-of-body experience. Of course, it was silent until we finally were in front of room 201. “So, Espie, did you want to, like, come over today?” he said. I was breathless, and not from running. “Uh, well, yeah, I mean sure, of course.” Stupid, stupid, stupid. What was I thinking? “What time?” I miraculously uttered without stuttering. He glanced at his phone and told me eight. “See you then. Oh, and Espie, make sure you wear something warm.” And with a shake of a tail feather, he was gone. That whole trig lesson was worthless because I wasn’t paying a speck of attention. All I could think about was Shane’s amazing green eyes and his beyond perfect lips. I know this is weird, but they reminded me of smooth, damp clay. After that morning my whole day was a blur. I remember seeing people’s faces and having conversations, but my mind was somewhere else. That night after I sped home, I threw on some jeans, a Sublime t-shirt and my favorite green hoodie. And I waited. It was almost eleven o’clock before I realized he must’ve stood me up. Then the knock came. I was literally shaking as I turned the deadbolt. “Are you ready?” His bright smile was so intriguing that I couldn’t help but to smile back. “Y-Yes.” I finally stammered out.
I could not believe my eyes. It all seemed so unreal. If this was a dream, I never want to wake up. As he opened the passenger side door to his hunter green 1969 Ford Mustang, I realized he opened it for me. “Thanks” I muttered as I gently swept myself into the classic. When he got into the driver’s seat he began to look confused. “Oh god,” I thought, “He forgot he had a date with another girl.” “I can’t find my— Aha, never mind.” He pulled his keys out of his jacket pocket and winked at me. Shane. Walker. Winked.At. Me. Goodness, if I was going to last all night with him, I had to quit being so damn star struck. “So, where to now my Espie?”Ohmygawd. He actually called me his. At the time, I had absolutely no idea how creepy it was, him not even knowing my favorite color, or ice cream and he already called me his. “Oh! Hey is it alright if we stop by my friend Josh’s? You know Josh right? He’s having this huge party tonight and I promised I’d make an appearance.”. “Oh, y-yeah. Josh, I know him. He was in my freshman health class.” Did that really just come out of my mouth? Who cares about my freshman health class? “I mean, yeah. It totally sounds awesome.” He flashed me his signature grin and flipped a U towards Josh’s. When we arrived, I had the biggest know in my stomach. It felt as if I needed to throw up my large intestine. “Hey, you okay Espie? If you don’t want to be here, we can—““No, no, no. I’m fine. See?” I gave him my best fake smile. It must’ve worked because he leaned over and kissed me. Right on the lips. “Good.” He said. When we got out, he strolled over to me and grabbed my hand. As we climbed up the steps to Josh’s door, everyone outside greeted me. Popular Sky Lander Prep kids greeting me? If I had known better, I’d have thought this was a bad wanna-be episode of Body Snatchers. Absolutely nobody looked surprised to see the Shane Walker with Espie-the-nobody. I should’ve known this wouldn’t have lasted to long, with him being Shane. After we walked through the kitchen, he was nowhere in sight. I, of course, knew nobody. I felt lost, confused, and stupid. I should’ve known this was going to happen! I was angry at myself, Shane and basically my whole life. I grabbed a cup of this mysterious,see-through pink liquid and wandered to find the restroom. Josh’s house could fit about six of my town-houses inside of it. This was the biggest house I had ever been in. I pass by all the wasted Varsity cheerleaders, and as I do, Georgiann Benson comes up to me. “Great.”, I thought. “Hey, Espie. What the hell are you doing here.” The way she had said it, didn’t seem like a question. “I, um, came with— ” I start to say. “Wait, wait, wait. Were you going to say you came with Shane? Hahaha, Shane Walker? MY Shane Walker? Sweetie, if he brought you, it was just so his mom wouldn’t be nagging him about coming to Josh’s.”I was speechless. Her evil cheerleader minions exploded into laughter, leaving me standing there like an idiot. All I could do was walk away while everyone around them stared. I felt the tears coming as I finally made my way down this shadowy, long hallway. I open the first door on my left and stopped right in my tracks as my eyes took in what was in front of me.

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